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Supplement Review: Brahman Whey – Ayurvedic Whey Protein, what does that mean? Read inside!! *


Never have I been more psyched to try a natural protein!! I am big into and Ayurveda!!

the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

Check out my previous posts healthy healing mason jar oatmeal and healing south Indian tomato black pepper soup

Now; we have a healing Whey Protein! Not only will it heal your muscles after a strenuous workout, but it heals your other organs through Ayurvedic spices!

I can’t wait to try this!!

Brahman Whey Protein

Brahman Whey all-natural ayurvedic whey protein supplement is a delicious alternative to other chemical-laden whey proteins on the market. Containing an amazing 20 grams of full spectrum protein in each serving, Brahman Whey mixes quickly and easily in any beverage.

Brahman Whey contains 5 treasured organic herbs used for centuries in the ancient tradition of Ayurveda to build muscle mass and overall body strength.

More information on each herb:

Organic Ashwagandha: Known as the the “ginseng of India”, this incredible herb promotes strength and stability in the physiology, and is also an anti-oxidant. It builds immunity and strength, and calms the mind and body.

Organic Shatavari: Possessing many of the benefits of Ashwagandha, it counterbalances its somewhat heating quality with it cooling effect, and augments their mutually beneficial effects on the body.

Organic Vidari Kandi: Is known in Ayurveda to support proper function of the male and female reproductive systems, is a nourishing tonic for promoting healthy muscle and nerve tissue, and strengthens and rejuvenates seniors and those with vata constitutions.

Organic Kapikacchu: Is used in Ayurveda to promote the proper function of the reproductive system in both men and women. It promotes calm and a healthy state of relaxation while supporting healthy nerves and proper function of the nervous system. Helps support potency, stamina, and a healthy libido and fertility.

Organic Gokshura: Gokshura is a rejuvenating tonic. A cooling and nourishing herb, it supports proper function of the reproductive system promoting virility and helps promote fertility. It calms the nerves, strengthens the body and is balancing for all doshas.

The unique synergy of these 5 organic herbs creates a strengthening effect on the mind, body, and spirit*.


Whey protein isolate

Whey protein concentrate

Whey peptides


Organic vanilla flavor

Organic french vanilla flavor

Organic ashwagandha

Organic Shatavari

Organic gokshura

Organic vidari kanda

Organic kapikacchu

Organic cinnamom

Organic cardamom

Non-GMO soy lecithin

Brahman Whey Protein

I can’t wait to try this later tonight stay tuned!!

Ok; well…

The Smell is non-existent
the mixability is 9/10 a little grainy residue in glass
the taste is 8/10 a tad better than Sweet Purity Organics and Protein 17. (no aftertaste)

I can’t wait to see if it works with the added spices. They should have added a tad more Cinnamon and Cardamom.

One thing I don’t like is there is no scoop inside. The directions say 3 heaping tablespoons, so if you don’t have one handy you have to go find one.
I use this as an additional protein serving at night 2hrs post workout and I use 2tbsp, so it will last longer.

I tried mixing with my oatmeal today, but It had almost zero taste in my oatmeal and I don’t like plain oatmeal!

Future Post Coming Soon: when it arrives I will add all of my natural proteins recently reviewed to the mix with the exception of Whey Natural USA as it is not to be heated.

Look for it! the results from all the tests will be there!

**Update** March 24th 2014
I wish they made a Chocolate with natural cocoa and what is organic Vanilla flavor? Is it real Vanilla bean?

One response

  1. Want purchase protein

    February 3, 2016 at 12:04 PM

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